Mintent’s Not-For-Profit Grant Program – Apply Today

Mintent has designed a grant program just for your NPO

Mintent donates a percentage of its time every month to not-for-profit organizations who need help with their digital marketing. 

Whether you are trying to raise awareness, recruit volunteers, grow your online donations, or share your cause we love using our superpowers to make a difference. 

Our application process is simple. Tell us how better digital marketing could help your organization reach more people? We know your resources are limited. We want to help. Tell us your story.

Does My Not-For-Profit Organization Qualify To Apply?

In order for your Not-For-Profit to qualify, your organization must


Have minimal or no government funding/support.


Hold current and valid charity status.


Have a Board of Directors.


Have no less than 1 employee and no more than 25.


Have a need for digital marketing services.

Mintent wants to help your npo – Apply Today!

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